Help keep their legacy alive
How it Works:

You or a funeral director complete a simple form and obtain an email link.

Friends and relatives receive the link enabling them to contribute toward someone's memorialization. The link may be within an obituary or shared another way.


Contributions help purchase a memorialization to honor the individual. A wide variety of options exist including outdoor memorial benches, plaques, trees, bricks and wall engravings located in a variety of places.

Contributors feel great that they were able to honor their friend or relative.

Be Remembered
Everyone should be remembered. Nobody wants to be forgotten. It is inherent within us.
Yet more and more of us are being exactly that - forgotten. In 1980, just 10% of us were cremated. By 2035, 75% of us will be. Our ashes are scattered, and we become lost. Lost to our loved ones, lost to our friends, lost to all history.

I want to
contribute toward a
friend or relative's memorialization
Nothing is more important to us than being remembered. Help ensure your friend or relative is memorialized by contributing toward their memorialization fund. Feel great that you are helping ensure they are not forgotten.
Click below to learn if a contribution opportunity is available.

Wondering about the origins of the name Deronoh?
Read it backwards. Honoring individuals is at our core.
Ensure there is a place for friends to smile and think of you

Have a question? Please contact us or email us at We’re here for you.