About Us
never be forgotten

Deronoh helps us never be forgotten. When we are gone, all memory of us begins to fade away.
For those whose ashes are spread, there is often no remaining physical memory. There is no place for family and friends to grieve, remember or honor those they have lost. Digital memories are less than they seem. They last until the servers they are stored on are corrupted or the companies owning them go out of business. Hard drives fail. At the same time, when faced with a friend or relative dying, we often struggle to know how to help, how to grieve and how to honor them. Deronoh is providing a way to do just that.
We believe in not letting friends and relatives be forgotten.
Who We Are
Everyone should be remembered. Our mission at Deronoh is to make that happen. We help those who have lost someone by providing a great way to honor their lost friend or relative.
When someone dies, many of us struggle to know what to do. We mourn. We are sad. We are upset. We think about sending flowers to show that we care. Flowers last a few days. We may instead support a charity that our lost friend or relative supported. Our options generally stop there.
Contributing toward a memorialization of the individual helps us grieve. We are acting to ensure they are not forgotten. They will not be wiped from memory but will live on in some physical form. When we look at their memorialization, we remember them.
Cremation rates in the U.S. and many other countries have been increasing over the past 40 years. In 1980, the cremation rate was just under 10%. That increased to around 56% in 2020. Industry experts project that the cremation rate in the U.S. will increase to 75% by 2035.
Once someone is cremated, they begin to be forgotten. Most cremated remains are scattered. Whether at sea, on a field, or a mountain, once the ashes are scattered, there is no true place for someone to go to mourn them. They become lost. Deronoh seeks to ensure they are remembered and honored.
Wondering about the origins of the name Deronoh?
Read it backwards. Honoring individuals is at our core.